Dear Plagiarist,
While doing some routine web searches and vanity searches for this blog, I came across your site. I have heard that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery; however, simply posting my writing on your site without any acknowledgement or link back to this blog smells like plagiarism to me.
I am flattered that you found my writing interesting enough to post, and I have sent you an e-mail containing a link to this posting. This is my attempt to give you the benefit of the doubt. Acknowledge this blog with copious and blatant links, or please remove my material from your site.
Thank you!
I am flattered that you found my writing interesting enough to post, and I have sent you an e-mail containing a link to this posting. This is my attempt to give you the benefit of the doubt. Acknowledge this blog with copious and blatant links, or please remove my material from your site.
Thank you!

I know how frustrating plagiarism can be. If you want any help with your case, just drop me a line via my email contact form, I'll gladly help you out. Also, you might find some useful plagiarism info on my site.
Whoa....sorry to hear it, Rant.
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