The CEO and the Ant Farm
The title of this post sounds like a parable, doesn't it? Or maybe a fable, along the lines of Aesop's The Fox and The Grapes. Well, this tale isn't a parable and it isn't a fable, but it is most certainly about a metaphor. A huge, unsubtle, in-your-face metaphor that makes me simultaneously laugh and shake my head in mild exasperation. Unlike the Fox and The Grapes fable, the moral of which is "It is easy to despise what you can not get," the moral of the story of the CEO and The Ant Farm is simply, "What the fuck?"
Even more simply, the Chief Executive Officer of my company bought an ant farm, this ant farm:

It sits in his office right now. Truth be told, I don't know the C.E.O. guy in question, except for the occassional hello or head nod when leaving or on my way to the office kitchen for a cup of coffee. The longest conversation we ever had lasted about two minutes and was about old soft drinks that you don't see anymore, like Shasta. There's nothing wrong with liking ants, but I wonder if the symbolism of this ant farm purchase escapes the C.E.O. This is what I see when I look at the Ant Farm in the C.E.O.'s office:

Where is the C.E.O. in this annotated picture? Why, outside of the ant farm, running things of course. I just hope he gives the ants enough food and water, and I also hope that there is no need to thin the herd, so to speak.
Even more simply, the Chief Executive Officer of my company bought an ant farm, this ant farm:

It sits in his office right now. Truth be told, I don't know the C.E.O. guy in question, except for the occassional hello or head nod when leaving or on my way to the office kitchen for a cup of coffee. The longest conversation we ever had lasted about two minutes and was about old soft drinks that you don't see anymore, like Shasta. There's nothing wrong with liking ants, but I wonder if the symbolism of this ant farm purchase escapes the C.E.O. This is what I see when I look at the Ant Farm in the C.E.O.'s office:

Where is the C.E.O. in this annotated picture? Why, outside of the ant farm, running things of course. I just hope he gives the ants enough food and water, and I also hope that there is no need to thin the herd, so to speak.
Come on. You can't be serious. You're ceo actually bought an ant farm? I feel your pain.
Oh my god, I LOVE the symbolism. Thank you for letting us know about this beautiful corporate icon :)
I can just picture your CEO naming all the ants the same names of the people who work there. Then, steepling his hands like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons, he talks to the ant farm.
"Who shall I fire today? (pointing at ants) You Mr. Jenkins? Or how about you, slothful Frederic in accounting. Yes, Frederic shall be fired. Excellent!
He then pulls Frederic the Ant out of the ant farm with a tweezers and flicks him out the window while simultaneously calling human resources and firing the human Frederic over the phone.
Whoever Anon is, you add terrific comments.
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