Dove Ads and Ideals of Beauty: Highbrow and Lowbrow
The "magazine cover" standards of beauty are atrocious. I have never, ever found the stick-figure, heroin-thin ideal attractive. I've always been attracted to women who looked like women: Curvy. Give me Kate Winslet or Renee Zellweger as Bridgid Jones anyday over the Skeletor ideals that are constantly being paraded before our eyes and imposed on every level, every day of our lives.
The new Dove ads feature real women. (New in our country--the ads have already run in England.) In fact, these beautiful examples of feminine beauty are featured prominently on billboards all over Chicago, and it is such a welcome change from the usual billboard board of fare. A few extra pounds on a woman is most welcome by me; as I told my girlfriend, who is worried about her weight, "As long as you're healthy, I don't care what size you are."
The Dove women are hot. Thanks Dove. Thanks to your billboards, I'm now starting to sport an uncomfortable tree trunk in my pants on the way to work. Your ads coupled with the normal vibrations from the trains and busses I ride are a recipe for embarrasment, groin discomfort and/or enseamed underwear.
It's affirming that popular culture finally reflects an ideal of my philosophy, thus slightly reducing the usually ever-increasing gas flame that heats the cauldron of cognitive dissonance in my soul. Those ads are also freakin' affirming to the blood flow into my cock:
The "magazine cover" standards of beauty are atrocious. I have never, ever found the stick-figure, heroin-thin ideal attractive. I've always been attracted to women who looked like women: Curvy. Give me Kate Winslet or Renee Zellweger as Bridgid Jones anyday over the Skeletor ideals that are constantly being paraded before our eyes and imposed on every level, every day of our lives.
The new Dove ads feature real women. (New in our country--the ads have already run in England.) In fact, these beautiful examples of feminine beauty are featured prominently on billboards all over Chicago, and it is such a welcome change from the usual billboard board of fare. A few extra pounds on a woman is most welcome by me; as I told my girlfriend, who is worried about her weight, "As long as you're healthy, I don't care what size you are."
The Dove women are hot. Thanks Dove. Thanks to your billboards, I'm now starting to sport an uncomfortable tree trunk in my pants on the way to work. Your ads coupled with the normal vibrations from the trains and busses I ride are a recipe for embarrasment, groin discomfort and/or enseamed underwear.
It's affirming that popular culture finally reflects an ideal of my philosophy, thus slightly reducing the usually ever-increasing gas flame that heats the cauldron of cognitive dissonance in my soul. Those ads are also freakin' affirming to the blood flow into my cock:
I couldn't get the download to work, but I am absolutely impressed that this day has actually come. AMAZING. I have nothing against women who are skinny. I just have something against society, the industry, and the media giving us images that most of us can't possibly live up to. I have something against a culture that breeds eating disorders and self-esteem issues. I LOVE THIS.
Rant, you totally made my freaking day. Good luck with your tree trunk.
By the way, I'm also impressed with your preferences on the female body.
A funny post. I hope that everyone can enjoy their ride to work as much as you do. And it's good to see a positive view of this situation in advertising.
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