The premise: We live in a world where race is no longer an issue, and therefore a world where Jesse Jackson can no longer earn a living in, well, what it is he currently does.
The jobs: In this harmonious world, what employment could Jesse find? What would he be qualified to do?
E-mail your job ideas to All of your suggestions will be posted in a future blog posting. Please indicate if you wish your name and/or handle to be attached to your entry. Again, as I outlined at the end of the last blog entry on this topic, I also welcome any Photoshopped pictures that illustrate your Jesse job suggestion.
Excellent suggestion, Dicklist adminsitrator. I debated whether or not "fellator" would be a good job for Jesse because this would involve some level of skill, if you're good at it that is. Fluffer on the other hand is down and dirty and to the point without needing to be "good" at fellatio. Get the bucks up and running and into the work.
Lawn Maintenance Technician?
Ebonics Translator?
Working at The Carwash?
(this one has a theme song and everything)
Selling Fruit on the Offramp?
Street Corner Dealer?
(or is he already a pimp in a certain way?)
Security Guard?
Doorman at the Apollo?
(is that place even still open?)
Bill Cosby's Shoeshiner?
Michael Jackson's Publicist?
Lawn Jockey?
Street Corner Window Cleaner?
Soup Kitchen Volunteer?
Envelope Stuffer for The Aryan Brotherhood?
(this one fosters harmony between the races)
Barber to Don King?
( much skill does that guy need?)
These are some of my suggestions off of the top of my head....feel free to quote me.
You are correct...your blog and "The Dick List" are absolute partners. Keep writing your honest thoughts.
I must say that I have no idea, but I think the idea is hilarious. I like that it's a community effort trying to find him a job. Can't wait to see what comes out of it.
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