Mr. "Wishful Thinking," 2005
A companion piece to the previous post, ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you the winner of the Wishful Thinking award for 2005:

To quote a friend, and I hope she doesn't mind:
Ah, his existence makes my day as well. . .

To quote a friend, and I hope she doesn't mind:
Where was this guy? We need to find him, buy him a beer. Ask him about the damage to his car after he ran over the skunk. That this freakin guy exists makes my day.
Ah, his existence makes my day as well. . .
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And he would probably be a handsome bald guy. Bald is so in...he's gotta get on that train. The irony is that he needs a woman to convince him that he's sexy without it, but no woman will even go on the first date with that thing on his head.
Maybe it's like a security blanket. He knows it's an eyesore and absolutely ridiculous, but he drags it around everywhere, anyway.
Nice shootin', Tex.
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