This is an epic story about poop that I strongly encourage you to read. On August 27, 2004, an anonymous person posted the following message on the Rants and Raves board of Chicago's Craigslist:People of CHICAGO, please HELP me ???!!!
>Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 8:38AM CDT
Look, the Providence Rants and Raves board has some issues. They are a bunch of cry babies. Please do me a favor and go to that board and post some nonsense. Post about poop, dildos, butt plugs, etc.
Seriously, Help me out here. These people are so clueless and thin-skinned. Please go post about diarrhea and tampons. Seriously, help me out. These assholes also hate the midwest.
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While it may be true that the "won't you please help a starving child" ads on TV barely inspire a single sympathetic emotion in me anymore, there was something about this post--its tone, its innocence, its simple plea for help from fellow human beings--that made me want to help. Yes, all this made me want to help, along with the fact that I'm a sucker for potty humor. Sure, I can read a New Yorker cartoon and chuckle, but my comedy tastes range from knuckle-dragging low brow to chicanery so high on the brow that Dennis Miller would be scrambling to look up the obscure references. But I'm not here to defend my love for poop. I'm here to tell the story of how anonymous people banded together around the cause of poop humor. By the time we were finished, Providence's Rants & Raves Board became known as "Poopidence" around Craigslist. It was glorious.
From this first clarion call, a wonderfully juvenile post on Chicago's Rants and Raves board, the frenzy of poop humor that followed was absolutely amazing. I will let the story speak for itself, with minimal interruption by your narrator. One caution though: Those who may be easily offended, I warn you to stop reading now. Some of the posts shocked even me, and I'm the guy who Photoshopped a penis onto the Yahoo e-mail login woman's head. What follows are actual posts that began appearing on Providence's Rants and Raves board. The first reply is mine, highlighted in red (I contributed more posts than this one, and kudos go out to you if you cna guess which ones). After rereading these messages, I was almost crying with laughter, and I thank God that I was there to record it. Grab your favorite drink. Get comfortable. Make sure you're not wearing restrictive clothing. I now present to you the historic and epic event of how Providence became Poopidence.
I was the first to reply to the call for help. I informed the original poster of my actions,
Re: People of Chicago, Please help me!
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 9:18AM CDT
Mission accomplished:
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where I provided the link to the following (I tried to test Providence's sensitivity level with the following sexual post):
The Love of My Life and A Birthday Present
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 10:14AM EDT
I have a real problem. I am completely in love with this woman, so head over heels that sometimes I don't know what to do with myself. I seriously can not remember every being in this love before. Normally I am a confident person with a good sense of self esteem, but now I constantly feel lacking, that I'm "falling short" in being able to make this woman happy.
I know this is probably just insecurity based on finally feeling like I have a great deal to lose this time. And now, I'm trying to think of the perfect birthday gift to buy her.
Her tastes are eclectic, but she is a woman who does own practically everything. I started thinking about her likes, dislikes and hobbies, and I've *finally* narrowed the gift down to one area: Sex Toys.
This girl can take dildos like a pincushion takes pins. In fact, in the first week we dated, we played actually played a game called "pincushion." That's where she crawls on all fours over to me with a dildo jutting out of her ass, pussy and mouth. For good measure, she even had a strap on fastened to the back of her head. Battery operated, ones that run on DC current, things called "butterflies," "The Anal Intruder"--this girl has EVERYTHING. So, I guess I'm asking if anyone out there knows of a unique, interesting sex toy that will blow her mind (not to mention her wide, gaping utereus).
If it will help, just scanning her sex toy collection, I notice that she already has a large assortment of double pronged dildos for simultaneous vaginal/anal stimulation. I want to take her to a whole new level. I want to make that chewed-up piece of bubblegum she calls a clitoris feel pleasure she didn't know existed. Does anyone have any ideas?
re: The Love of My Life and A Birthday Present
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-30, 11:33AM EDT
You want a sex toy unlike another?
Are you really this simple?
I didn't hear you mention she had a sybian. Get her one of those. If you never want her to leave you, just buy one for yourself and let her use it. Not a CHANCE she'll bail on your ass. Tell her as long as she keeps you happy she can use it. Heh.
this is in or around Clueville
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re: The Love of My Life and A Birthday Present
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-30, 11:40AM EDT
> If it will help, just scanning her sex toy collection, I notice that she already has a large assortment of double pronged dildos for simultaneous
> vaginal/anal stimulation. I want to take her to a whole new level. I want to make that chewed-up piece of bubblegum she calls a clitoris feel pleasure she
> didn't know existed. Does anyone have any ideas?
She sounds like a fun gal.
If she doesn't have one already, get her a glass toy. It's a whole different experience from the rubber/plastic stuff.
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This came from the Chicago Board:
Re: People of Chicago, please help...
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 10:21AM CDT
This is awesome:
"I want to make that chewed-up piece of bubblegum she calls a clitoris feel pleasure she didn't know existed"
That coupled with the visual of a woman on all fours with a strap on fastened to the back of her head gave me a great laugh. Keep'em comin!
Providence CL a bunch of pussies!!!
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 9:13AM EDT
You guys and gals are a bunch of pussies. You're crying about some guy posting about shit and dicks?
Get real. This crap happens on CL boards of real cities all the time, every day.
Maybe if you all weren't a bunch of babies this board would actually be some fun.
Grow some skin and grow up.
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woo hoo
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-26, 1:48PM EDT
lots of action on this board today! my fingers hurt from hitting the refresh button.
this is in or around ur anus
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re: Woo Hoo
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-26, 5:35PM EDT
Your fingers hurt from shoving them up your hairy, smelly, diarrhea stained dirt-star.
lots of action on this board today! my fingers hurt from hitting the refresh button.
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re: re: Woo Hoo
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-26, 5:53PM EDT
Which one of you idiot is more immature? Why don't you have a contest to see who is the biggest wanker. But do us all a favor and do it on Craig's list Cranston.
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re: re: re: Woo Hoo
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-26, 6:24PM EDT
I'd like to jerk my wanker off and spray my jizz all over your face!
Then I'd ask you to hold a piece of plastic wrap about a foot over your face while your laying down. I'd push out a big, brown, smelly log of shit on the plastic wrap so you could watch it steam!!! LOL
Suck on my asshole and eat my diarrhea!!!! LOL
I want to fuck your asshole!!! I don't care if you're a woman or man!!! I don't care if it's hairy or bald!!! I'll stick my cock in it and then pull it out and look at your stinky poop all over my hard dick!!! Then I'll slap it off your face and make penis-shaped shit prints on your face!!!!
Woooo Hoooo!!!!!!!
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 12:58PM CDT
I just checked out Providence RnR. 'Oly Wah! That's some crazy stuff. That board is definately lacking some feminine influence. If you know ladies in RI, tell them to get on that board and whip those boys into shape. They're de-humanizing themselves.
A guy's perspective. Can you imagine what kind of nasty, violent, indescribable hell this world would be without women in it. And I mean if the women were suddenly all taken away, not what it would be like if they had never existed. The final generation of men, the death rattle of the human race would implode mentally and tear itself to shreds. It's a scary thought.
I don't think I got enough sleep last night.
The poopfest now in full swing, this poor lady tries to go off topic and ask for boyfriend advice:
My Inexperienced BF
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-26, 3:22PM EDT
I am by no means and idiot. You are not in my situation, but I guess we all judge. If you want to offer advice, please do. And I never mentioned "Life experiences". I actually wrote "experiences". Maybe I should have been more specific and said "sexual experinces". We are both aware that life is full of many experience- must I get ino this?
I have considered all possibilities. We do have a kinky relationship when we want. I've met him in hotels, I've dressed slutty, do the thigh-highs & heels thing, the school girl thing. I get into it too. We are very open in that sense. He doesn’t want a threesome.
The issue still goes back to him never being with another women before me. He wants to get married, I believe him. I am also understanding of his circumstances and the feelings he is having. Though everyone else may not. He also understands my feelings and the possible outcomes. He knows that if he decides to do this, that I will not sit back and only twiddle my fingers (literally). We "took a break" a year ago, he didn't date, I did. The break was for him...
Thank you for everyone's advice!
this is in or around Here on Earth
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Re: Inexperienced Boyfriend
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-26, 10:52PM EDT
You stupid, filthy, smelly whore!!!! Lick my asshole!!! Suck my fuzzy scrotum!!
You want my mother to spray diarrhea on your boyfriend's chest? Maybe my mommy can pinch a loaf on your boyfriend's face? How's that for experience.
My mother's shit really stinks too, so it will be a good experience for him. Then you can poop on his face for the rest of your pathetic life and he won't mind the stench of your hairy asshole or sloppy pussy because my mommy's ass and cunt smell like the Long Island Sound at low tide.
Or, maybe my daddy can take one of his Sunday morning dumps on your boyfriend,s ugly face. Man, the old man can really stink a place up. He'd bring the freakin' Sunday paper into the shitter with him. The paper would smell like my dad's asshole for the rest of the day. I'd open the sports page and it was like changing the diaper of a baby after it ate it's first steak.
Seriously, tell me. Is your boyfriend an experienced shitter? Does the bathroom stink after he drops the kids off at the pool on Sunday morning? Does the stench of his Finless Brown Trout turn you on? Does it make your pussy wet and smelly? You little tramp, admit it!!!! Your stinky box gets wet when your boyfriend takes a big shit!!!
I hope your boyfriend bangs some slut and then dumps your pathetic ass!!
Then you can go back to visiting public bathrooms and hittin' the old speedbag while you sniff the feces aroma in the air!!!! Yeah, you do hit the speedbag while you sniff ass odor don't you??? You diddle that fat clit??? You fucking swine!! I'll shit down your throat!!!!!!
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re: re: Woo Hoo
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 7:13AM EDT
It shouldn't be hard to figure out. There are only three people posting here. Two with brains and one with shit for brains. Guess which one he is?
Just took a GREEN shit.
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 10:51AM EDT
Im on this new kind of medicine for blood pressure. I started taking it days ago and now Im taking GREEN poops. Is this normal? They still smell normal.
this is in or around what the hell?
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re: the greenies
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 11:25AM EDT
the only way to tell if the fecal matter is not contaminated is to do a "manual excavation" through it. look for leafy matter, excess mucus, etc. unaffected doo-doo should have a pleasent, doo-doo odor.
this is in or around chi-town
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Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 12:02PM EDT
If the person posting WHOO HOO is Christine, PLEASE EMAIL ME
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Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 12:48PM EDT
If the person posting WHOO HOO is Christine, PLEASE EMAIL ME
If the person asking if the person posting WHOO HOO is Christine, PLEASE LICK MY BALLS.
pretty please?
re: re: re: WHOO HOO
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 1:14PM EDT
Yes, it's me, Christine.
Why do you want me to email you?
Because Christine, you were my most favorite car--EVER! I don't care if you slowly possessed me, turning me into a mad man. I don't even care that you tried to kill my girfriend. I know you were just jealous. The way you handled those punks who were screwing with me (running them over, etc.) really showed me how much you cared.
Please roll your wheels on home. I'll give you a good polish, we'll go cruising down the highway, and I promise nothing will ever come between us again.
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Re:re;re;re;re;re;re;re;re;re: re: re: WHOO HOO
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 2:15PM EDT
Sweet Mother Of God. You two get a fucking room or something.
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Re: Just took a GREEN Shit
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 3:33PM EDT
um, you're getting your salad tossed by someone who drinks red wine with too many tannins in it? or, you have mercury poisoning from all that shit ass east coast fish you eat.
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Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-29, 3:22PM EDT
Wow. I drank about 10 beers on Friday night. Saturday I ate a huge, great dinner.
Well, this morning, after my coffee and a cigarrette, I had a massive diarrhea attack. One of the more explosive episodes of recent memory.
The second I sat down on the bowl it just blew out of my asshole. The water, and pieces of feces, splattered all over my ass cheeks. It felt so damn good.
The underside of the toilet seat looked like it had been through a war. It was covered with spattered poop.
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Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-29, 6:02PM EDT
Do you feel better? Usually that type strikes again. Watch out!
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POLL for the day!
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-30, 2:01PM EDT
Did you take a shit today?
Was it rock solid, medium or runny?
Approximately how may wipes did it take to clean your asshole?
(Please reference age and sex).
RE: Poll
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-30, 3:18PM EDT
Whats with you? All you talk about is shit, the act of shitting and pretty much anything that involves shit. Are you 11? do you work for sanitation management? you need help. I can shit on you if you'd like.
this is in or around uranus
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Fish Species of Narragansett Bay
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-30, 4:26PM EDT
Finless Brown Trout
Yellow Speckled Corn Pout
Wrinkle Backed Brown Trout
Coney Island White Fish
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The board took a turn for the better here---Posts about moving to providence, the homeless teacher’s strikes, teacher’s healthcare. . .then)
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-01, 5:58PM EDT
More poop talk!
This poor bastard tries to talk about service cuts in public transit:
RIPTA Service Cuts
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-03, 9:03AM EDT
Today and on Tuesday we have a chance to speak out against the RIPTA service cuts. Today in Narragansett and on Tuesday in Providence. Let them know what a bad idea it is. RIPTA should be expanding not getting smaller! Federal Highway money and other sources needs to be tapped. RIPTA management needs more creative and progressive thinking. Rhode Island has an opportunity that so many other place don't. We are a small area with a dense population. We could serve as a model for Mass Transit!
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Re: RIPTA Service Cuts
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-08, 4:17PM EDT
What we really need in Rhode Island is a better mass-transit system for poop. Do you know how many times I have to flush the toilet to send one of the Marines out to sea?
Yes, we need a new RIPTA: Rhode Island Poop Transit Authority. Small area with large population density = my shitter overflows. Don't even let me talk about what happens after I eat a McGriddle breakfast at McDonald's.
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Anyone take a shit today?
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-03, 3:51PM EDT
I have not.
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Re: Anyone take a shit today?
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-03, 7:04PM EDT
Yeah, I had a nice steak last night with mashed potatoes and a salad.
I had myself a real loose explosive dump this morning. It was very refreshing!
this is in or around Crapworld
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Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-07, 9:16AM EDT
Why does some poop float and some poop sink?
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Floating stools
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-07, 9:32AM EDT
Dude, if your stools be floatin', you better get to da doctor!
My shit today was smooth and red, thanks to the eggplant parm I ate last night. There were lots of little crumbs, too. Now it's kind of burning. My asshole feels very itchy. I have rectal itch.
this is in or around Providence
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RE: Question
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-07, 11:47AM EDT
I think it has something to do with the force/speed that it comes out of your ass.
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Question: Answer
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-07, 1:35PM EDT
Some poops float and some don't based on the chemical composition of your poop; i.e foods you eat. I'm not sure on which vitamens and minerals make a poop float vs. sink but I think meat eaters tend to have more poops that float. It has nothing to do with how fast they come out of your ass.
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Another poor bastard tried to get honest help in using AIM at work. The response?
re: AIM blocked at work, need a proxy server
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-07, 10:25AM EDT
Shove a tampon up your ass.
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Cucumber Seeds!
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-07, 11:03PM EDT
I took a shit today. When I was wiping my bunghole I looked at the toilet paper and there were cucumber seeds stuck to it!!! I had cucumbers the night before. I saw the seens mixed in with my shit on the toilet paper!!!
And no, I did not shove a cucumber up my ass!!!
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re: fecal matter in general
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-07, 11:21PM EDT
What is wrong with you humpbacked fucks that keep bringing up shit? You're tossing monkey-crap around as if it was going out of style. This is an outrage; I came to to read about the beached whale in the erotic section of this website, and what do I get? You people should be asshamed! I want to read about big giant asses in the greater Providence area, not about the supposed bigass dumps swirling about the bottom of your toilet bowl after your fifth trip to the Cactus Grille!
I'm not reading this shit no more!
this is in or around
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My shit today
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-08, 8:40AM EDT
I had an interesting shit today. It was somewhat black with tons of corn in it. Last night I ate chili. What was even more beautiful is that I shit on top of a bunch of bloody toilet paper left by my menstrating gf! It was a work of ART!
this is in or around RI
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shit on top of a bunch of bloody toilet paper
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-08, 9:22AM EDT
I'm going to puke!!!!
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Scat and Providence
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-08, 11:38AM EDT
What is up with all the scat posts? Is everyone in Providence that juvenile? Or is this board populated by fourth graders.
this is in or around study hall
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The Poop on Depetro
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-08, 1:09PM EDT
I just had a diarrhea attack and has to flush 5 times to get rid of all that nasty "john depetro" which was clinging to the bowl! I'll never eat at Conti's again!
And is that Mario Haliaro on NewsChannel 10 gay or what?
this is in or around Local AM Radio Commode
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Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-08, 2:54PM EDT
That felt good! I just took a massive shit. It actually came out in a bunch of mini-poops! It felt good though!
The only downer was that the last guy who dropped the kids off at the pool in my office skidded up the bowl. It looked like the Jersey Turnpike in my toilet!!! Damn, can't you flush twice?
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I made a log cabin
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-08, 4:09PM EDT
out of my shit! Seriously, I think I just recreated an original set of Lincoln Logs in the toilet, because I shat two successive long turds that connected to each other at an angle--just like my much loved Lincoln Log set of yore.
I took pictures if anyone wants to see. I hav get back in there and play "hurricane Francis," and flush that cabin off the Florida coastline.
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Condom Wrappers
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-08, 4:22PM EDT
I know I got very drunk last night. . .and I have a vague memory of the sex with with this woman I barely knew being very freaky and intense--porno style sex that I thought only happens in pornos. . .but what's with the condom wrappers in my shit?
No, they weren't just floating in the toilet. They're embedded in my shit, like a fossil in a rock.
Wow. It must have been an even better night than I thought. I just wish I could remember all of it.
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Log Cabin
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-08, 4:28PM EDT
That is great! I'd love to see a photo of your feces!! Can you email it to me?
You should submit it to the following website:
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Shit guy
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-08, 10:28PM EDT
Shut the fuck up! Who cares about you let alone your bodily functions. You aren't funny or interesting. You're infantile and undeveloped. Sad you have nothing better to do than post such drivel. Maybe you could try thinking?
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Re: Shit guy
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 8:04AM EDT
Thanks for giving him the attention he so badly craves. Now we're guaranteed another day of this 'shit'.
Fucking asshat.
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My shit today
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 8:28AM EDT
Today my shit was a yellowish brown and it broke into little pieces mid-flight. It sort of looked like the space shuttle that burned up, but imagine a brown, very long space shuttle. After my first big log, the rest came out in spurts, like a hail of watery gunfire. I watched it spin in the john for a little while, in awe of its brown beauty.
Maybe tomorrow I'll take a digital pic and post it. I'll need instructions on how to do that. Everyone! Post your shit pics!!!
this is in or around RI
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[Howard Dean, Moving back in the bus]
Shit GuyS
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 10:14AM EDT
Trust me people, there is more than one shit guy on this site.
Yes, I post about my watery diarrhea once in a while, but I did not make the Log Cabin shit post or the Space Shuttle shit post.
I have to tip my hat to the person who submitted the above referenced shit posts. This guy is creative. He sees art in shit, which is amazing. I generally just post about the pungent odor and texture of the brown stuff that I blast out of my balloon-knot. However, this person has taught me to look beyond the smell and texture. He has taught me that a chunk of poop can represent many things: Space Shuttles, Log Cabins, etc.
So, last night I had a blast of runny poop and I looked in the toilet and studied it. It took me a while, but I finally figured out what it represented: My mother's Ratatouille. I could visualize the zucchinni, eggplant, and onions floating in the pot. Apparently I didn't completely digest the salad I had for lunch. The small chunks of salad floating on top of the water reminded me of the basil, oregano and bay leaves floating on top of this excellent summer dish.
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re: Shit Guy
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 9:25AM EDT
> Thanks for giving him the attention he so badly craves. Now we're guaranteed another day of this 'shit
!1!1!1 OMG WTF LOL
this is in or around Oh No-sville
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alaska R&R
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 11:40AM EDT
ok people, when your CL site was new there were plenty of people from other cities posting on it to help you out, just till you got the hang of what rants&raves was about.
now its your turn to help.
the Anchorage CL is up and running and DAMN it sucks. they had two posts yesterday. no im serious, two fucking posts. all day.
go help those poor bastards get the party started.
this is in or around craigslist in anchorage
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re: Alaska R&R
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 12:06PM EDT
We can barely get two posts here without a shit reference. Maybe we could get some help from Alaskans. Do they really want the drivel that passes for R&R in Providence in Alaska? Do we want Alaska to know how stupid we are?
this is in or around Providence
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Help from Alaska
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 2:15PM EDT
Hello Providence!
Although the Alaska board isn't hopping all that much, I'm very happy we are finally a Craigslist city. I used to live in the coastal U.S., and I've been missing having this great forum at my fingertips.
I see things have been fairly active around here, and no, I don't think people in your city are "stupid" based on the fecal posts. Since I am an engineer currently working on retooling and refurbishing sections of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System, I actually think I can help in the discussions that have been flung around your board.
What is the human colon but the end of a long pipeline? The Alaskan Pipeline gets clogged and sometimes it's full of muck, just like the human intestines. The Alaskan Pipeline is 800 miles long. The length of the entire human intestine is 6 to 8.5 meters long. Relatively speaking, that's a long way for gunk to travel in either the pipeline or the intestine! I also like to think of the computer term, GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out. If we put crap in the pipeline, the oil would turn to shit. If you put crap in your body, then your shit gets shitter. Then, you run the risk of clogging up the pipelines in your home.
Take my Alaskan friend Pakak for example ("Pakak" is Inupiat for 'one that gets into everything'). One drunken night at the lodge, he bet me that he could eat an entire moose head, antlers and all. Well, I'm not proud, but bets were made, odds were drawn up, and let's just say that I don't know who I felt more sorry for the next day: Pakak or his toilet bowl.
I treat the pipeline good, and it flows good. Treat yourself good, and your poopy will slide out easier than a prostitute's tampon. This I guarantee.
Thanks for the welcome to Craigslist everybody. I'm going to go sit on the pot now, read a book and think about the good people of Providence.
Best Regards,
Captain Stillman (Ret.)
It's finally revealed to the Providence Rants and Raves board users exactly what is going on and why: Re: Shit Guy (The TRUTH about the shit posts at the end)
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 1:42PM EDT
Shut the fuck up!
Who cares about you let alone your bodily functions.
Lots of people care about me, and because of this they also care about my bodily functions. Aside from my proctologist (that's an ass doctor, by the way), I have many fond memories discussing various shits with my loved ones. Why just the other night, my fiancee and I were sitting on the patio, drinking wine and discussing that time I sprayed the entire bowl with a thin layer of watery poop after eating some bad gumbo.
You aren't funny or interesting.
I'll agree with this statement--from your perspective, that is.
You're infantile and undeveloped.
There's a paradox here, because I've spent years and a lot of time rigorously devoloping my infantile mind.
Sad you have nothing better to do than post such drivel. Maybe you could try thinking?
Oh, but I do think. True, a lot of my thinking has been focused on shit, poopie, diarrhea, hershey squirts, butt burritos, pinching the loaf, spackling the crack, downloading some brownware, drilling for mudbunnies, putting fruit in the bowl, releasing my payload, sinking the Bismark--oh, you get the picture. I really am thinking; however, I probably do not think about the same things as you (Poop, Philosophy and where to get a great bran muffin have occupied my thoughts as of late). Just because I like to think and talk about all things shitty, that does not mean I don't think, nor does it mean I am not intelligent, which is what I think you were trying to say.
And for the first words of your reply to begin with, "Shut the fuck up," well, that shows you certainly do a lot of thinking, unlike me, because you are so adept at expressing yourself.
And now, I'll let all the Providence RnR's in on what's behind the string of shit postings (ewww, that was a neat visual: String of Shit! Like sausage links, only turdy). Truthfully, someone was going around to the other CL boards and asking people to post disgusting things on the Providence board. The original call for help I came across is here: Well, I and others it seems, checked out the Providence RnR board, and started having some fun. I think a lot of people out there "got the joke," but to see so many people band together with poop postings, etc. has made me almost literally shit myself many times in laughter.
So lets bring the shit and poop out into the light. I swear by the corn in my shit, that let's not be afraid of this "drivel" (you like to use that word, don't you?).
I want to hear all about the best and worst shits of your life! Take Care!

Hey Providence!
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 4:07PM EDT
Welcome to CL!
Anyone else want to post the details of their daily anal explosion?
We want to hear about it!
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What's the strangest thing you've ever seen in your poop?
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 4:20PM EDT
Those are obvious.
What other strange things have you seen in your crap or on your toilet paper after you wipe your anus?
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what a waste
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 4:36PM EDT
just a vacant waste land
this is in or around nowhere
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re: just a vacant waste land
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Date: 2004-09-09, 4:50PM EDT
Yeah, just like my intestines and asshole after I take a massive shit! A vacant waste land!!!!
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Date: 2004-09-09, 5:08PM EDT
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Providence R&R
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 4:38PM EDT
What a waste of time the Providence R&R is all shit posts. More proof that it is a true toilet down there.
this is in or around Lametown
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RE: What's the strangest thing you've ever seen in your poop?
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 5:19PM EDT
I saw the face of baby Jesus in my shit once. When I wiped, His face appeared to me in a brown outline.
this is in or around RI
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re: What's the strangest thing you've ever seen in your poop?
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 9:20PM EDT
after a long night of debauchery involving 2 17yr old prostitutes, 1/8 of coke, 2 bottles of Remy and an italian beef, there she was. staring right back at me from the bottom of the bowl, it was the Virgin Mother, Mary.
that was 15 years ago, and i have lived a clean, godd-fearing life since,
Oral Roberts
this is in or around Chicago - sodom by the lake
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re: italian beef
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 10:42PM EDT
Italian Beef! Now I know you're from Chicago. I grew up in an Italian family in an Italian neighborhood, and I never heard the term "Italian Beef" until I lived in Chicago for 2 years.
Did the poop smell?
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re: re: italian beef
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 11:36PM EDT
the faint scent of lilacs, the scent of angels dancing in the air!
Oral Roberts
this is in or around Chicago - sodom by the lake
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Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 10:42PM EDT
Seriously, EVERYONE post details about their feces!
This board is gaining popularity on all the other boards! We are known as "Poopidence" on craigslist!
Keep it up! More shit talk! Let's get noticed!
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I'm clenching my sphincter right now!!!
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 11:20PM EDT
I've had to shit for the past 5 hours. I've been holding it and holding it. Squeezing my asshole shut!
I'm freaking turtling right now! I'm prairie dogging right now!!!
I'm going to give birth to it soon. I have been waiting so it really builds up because I want to give you all good details.
Have a nice night!
I hope you don't shit your bed tonight!!! LOL
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RE: Condom Wrappers
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-09, 11:25PM EDT
If you were that drunk, how do you know it was a woman?
If you could remember his name, maybe he could tell you how the condom wrapper ended up in your shit. Did you ever think he could pack it in your ass that badly???
Condom Wrappers
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-08, 4:22PM EDT
I know I got very drunk last night. . .and I have a vague memory of the sex with with this woman I barely knew being very freaky and intense--porno style sex that I thought only happens in pornos. . .but what's with the condom wrappers in my shit?
No, they weren't just floating in the toilet. They're embedded in my shit, like a fossil in a rock.
Wow. It must have been an even better night than I thought. I just wish I could remember all of it.
this is in or around hmmm...
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poetry from the toilet
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-10, 3:11AM EDT
It's the crinkles in your craphole,
it's your pussy juice that flows.
When I cum all over your monster tits,
it reminds me of when it snows.
Christmas is a celebration,
I'd like to give you my big fat cock.
Happy sweet sixteen,
your days of jump rope are surely in the past.
Today you are not a girl,
but a woman with a nice round ass.
Your tits sticking out so far,
your nipples hard like rocks.
I'd like to jam my fucking prick between them myself,
but that's wrong because I'm your pop.
this is in or around providence sewer
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My shit today
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-10, 9:48AM EDT
This morning was difficult because I'm somewhat constipated. I think it might be from the banana I ate the day before...I've heard bananas make your shit hard. Anyway, as I sat on the bowl sweating to death, I squeezed out two very black turds. I'm talking Darth Vader dumplings. These babies didn't float. They sank straight to the bottom, probably overloaded with worms and parasites.
So I had a situation: Do I push more and try to unload the rest of my fecal matter, or just give up and get going? When I was young, I heard a story about a little boy who spent so much time on the john once, that his colon fell out. He had to be rushed to the hospital with his colon in a bag and a long cord of intestine that travelled into his fanny. Ever since I heard that, even though the truth of the story is dubious at best, I've been reluctant to spend too much time on the can. After a short time of reflection, I decided to "wrap it up," so to speak, and wipe my ass.
Now it gets even more complicated. The tp that the gf bought is only one ply. It's thinner than a head of hair. It's also very rough. Imagine wiping your ass with a paper bag. She bought a fuckin 30-pack of this stuff. We're talking hardcore Job Lot tp. So now I have to look forward to a month or more of bone dry, starchy asshole. My prostate was twitching by the time I got up.
this is in or around RI
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Wow, what a wonderful morning!
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-27, 12:05PM EDT
I just grew a tail the size of a rhesus monkeys'!
It was long, and brown, and it curled around the bottom of the bowl.
The best part was, it was a lucky ducky! No wiping necessary.
this is in or around the bowl
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Pranksters on the Providence R&R Board
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-08, 3:09PM CDT
My god. Check it out, please. Someone a while back was asking people on other boards to post things about "poop" and the like to annoy the uptight people of Providence. . .and it's just snowballed.
It's not just the posts, but the situation that has been making me do spit-takes at the computer. All these people, united, to annoy the hell out of this city. It's priceless!
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portland poop
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-13, 5:58PM EDT
So I'm from RI and when I read the a post on the Portland RnR asking people to come to the Providence site and post "poop" I was curious..
poop.. anal.. butt-plug..
does that fill your CL poop fetish..??
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Poop Haiku
Reply to:
Date: 2004-08-13, 9:43PM EDT
Mud Butt. <> 08/13 15:35:31
Loud and squirty farts
Spray painting your underwear
Many shades of brown.
this is in or around CL Forums: Haiku
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re:My prostate was twitching by the time I got up.
Reply to:
Date: 2004-09-10, 10:29AM EDT
I always end up with blood on the toilet paper when I wipe my ass.
You think I over do it?
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This, believe it or not, is where the posts began to die down, like all historical events or fads. I checked Providence's Rants & Raves board less and less, and it soon returned to a normal Craigslist Rants and Raves board (i.e., postings about Racism, Fat Girls, and the occassional truly good rant or rave). There was one person though who seemed to hang in there longer than the rest. For a while this guy (it must be a guy) kept posting every day or so, asking people about their daily poop. He would always sign his posts with his cheerful, "Take a shit!" moniker. In fact, I think he's still around. For old time's sake, this morning I searched Providence's Rants & Raves board. I found this post dated April 6, 2005:
I just shit my pants!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply to:
Date: 2005-04-06, 11:12AM EDT
OMG, I am sitting here at work and thought I had to fart, next thing you know I am sitting in a pile of shit!!!!
What do I do??? - no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
And these replies:
Re: I just shit my pants
Reply to:
Date: 2005-04-06, 11:34AM EDT
OMG that is fucking funny, have had it happen in bed once. I would run to the bathroom take off my underwear and clean, throw out the underwear. Then don't return to the bathroom.
Thanks for making my day.
Re: I just shit my pants
Reply to:
Date: 2005-04-06, 11:51AM EDT's what you do.
Quick as a fucking bunny you need to run out to the coffee machine, get a cup and go back to your desk. Soon as you get there dump the coffee on your lap.
That's the perfect excuse to go home and change. The burnt genital area will be worth it.
RE: re: I Just shit my pants
Reply to:
Date: 2005-04-06, 12:37PM EDT
So do you think I should put elastic bands around the cuffs of my pants to keep the shit from falling out when i run to the coffee machine?? I haven't moved because i dont want the shit running down my leg and out onto the carpet.
I think people are catching on, because the smell is spreading throughout the office...
Re:(10x) I just shit my pants
Reply to:
Date: 2005-04-06, 1:09PM EDT
Just start laughing in hysterics and run as fast as you can out of the off and home. And all I have to say is DAMN.
Was this you, "Take a shit!" guy? Are you still posting? Are you still keeping the shit-dream alive, still carrying your methane torch, watching the shit-house for the rest of us? I admire your persistance and courage to keep the poop flowing in Rhode Island. You were/are funny as shit. And for everyone who participated or witnessed the hilarity, or carnage depending on your point of view, may you all be regular for all your living days!