Are You Rastafarian? No? Then Lose the Fucking Dreadlocks.
I understand counterculture. Without getting too much into tired cliches about "how nonconforming is just conforming to something else," and blah, blah, blah, blah, I just want to say that pseudo-artistes who sport dreadlocks just fucking annoying.
According to the all-knowing oracle known as the Wikipedia,
"There are many reasons for wearing dreadlocks. For some, specifically the Rastafarians, the dreadlocks are sacred, and their formation is a religious ritual. The dreadlock has also been linked with unstraightened hairstyles for peoples of African descent as a statement of racial pride. For many others, the dreadlocks are a fashion."So Mr. and Ms. Politically Correct, "I love and respect diversity" artist types, guess what? Your dreadlocks are an insult to the religous beliefs and rituals of a rich culture. You are not thougtful, intellectual or artistic because you have dreadlocks; you are a fashion victim.
These are examples of the more annoying dreadlock archetypes I see:
The White Suburban Hippie

I am almost overcome by the smell of B.O.and patchouli oil just looking at this picture.
The Phishâ„¢ Fucker
You, are an asshole.
The Black Poet / Angry Black Man / Poet / Marxist-Intellectual Poet / Musician (skilled at bongos) Manic Progressive
Let's be honest: It's all about the poontang, right?
The Confused European
You are a putz (literal Hebrew translation, thank you)
The Rob Zombie
Metal & dreads. You rule dude.
The "I Don't Know What The Fuck I Am"
Enough said.
There are many other examples, such as the "Kravitz" and the "Borders/Starbucks Worker," but this is enough to make my point. Bottom Line:
Unless you're this: , then do not--I repeat,
do NOT--do this:
POSTSCRIPT: The true counterculture types are those who are virtually undetectable in normal, every-day life. More is done to effect change in society from people who actually stop to think before they decide to not bathe and go walk down the street with a placard that reads "no blood for oil." You are all indocrinated, unoriginal tools (both in the traditional and male genetalia sense) of someone else's agenda. Dreadlocks do not the iconoclast make.
Note for future blog. . . HIPSTERS: YOU ARE NOT DAVID CROSS.
Amen Brother!!
I want to hear about the Hipsters. I. Hate. Hipsters. Blood Boiling. Can't TYPE. HULK SMASH HIPSTERS!!!!
You no what kind of people I can't stand. Those that worry too much about what other people are doing. The one that always has an opinion about EVERYTHING. ugh.
Point taken. However, since you obviously have an opinion about people who "have an opinion about everything," you are clearly stating that you can't stand yourself.
Perhaps your self hatred is fueled in part by lack of a defined philosphy that still allows room for growth and correction, and that perhaps you too have dreadlocks and smell like rancid doneky ass? I don't know for sure about any of these points based on your short, anonymous statement, but I'm open to a dialogue!
cut the crap, Do you think you're JAH or something? go away from zion then...
REAL rastafarians like me (yes i'm from jamaica) respect all the people, and my girlfriend has dreads too. She's from holland. so leave you're stupid complaining for yourself. Probably you're something on the internet, but in real life: NOTHING. sweet kisses!
Dreads have existed since time immemorial, only the term "dreadlock" owes it's origin to the religion. The idea that the style is unique to that religion is a pop culture myth. Rastafarianism is only unique in that dreadlocks are worn by a majority of followers.
After all, Rastas wear dreads because they draw on the ascetic principles found with Judea-Christian religion. Not to mention the fact that dreads are also found in Islam, Hinduism, Jainism and virtually any religion, philosophy or culture in which asceticism is valued.
(And, yes, I know this is a bit late, but I just stumbled on this post accidentally through google...)
I'm a white girl with dreads. I've had them for 6 years. I got them because I hated having flat, lifeless straight hair and wanted hair with texture. I tried a perm/curlers/crimpers etc etc and nothing worked. Dreads did and I like them. Simple as that.
I'm not a hippy, I don't take drugs or drink, I'm not making a statement, I'm just trying to get my hair the way I want it. I'm no different than a girls with curls who straightens her hair.
Life has no rules. Stop telling people what they should do.
man, you're silly. How can you say people with dreads are annoying? Because you fail to see the appeal in them? Because they have been identified by a certian religion and are now restricted to black Jamaicans? Man, I have dreads. I am white. I dont identify with an organized religion, I am however spiritual. Life has no rules, like Jessica said. If you like a style wear it man. I do it regardless of having judgemental ass holes say shit to me (not calling you that but now that you mention it...).
I dont judge you douche bags who are pumped off the essembly line in Hollister and American Eagle golf shirts and "fohawks". To each his own man. what difference does it make to you if someone is doing something for themselves. Your argument is groundless and fickle. I hope you get your head out of the sand for your sake sir.
I wonder what your opinion of Che Guevara is or whether you are a Republican eh? Fuckin' schmuck.
Some of these people wear dreadlocks to piss people like you off. I'm a prime example!
no offense but, why did you write this? lol. i mean it looks like it took you some time to compile all of your photos and opinions, so i was wondering why does it matter so much to you; are you personally insulted or is this directed to someone specific? A lot of trends started by cultural/religious origins. It's not an insult to wear dreadlocks. Mirroring is one of the best displays of admiration. If dreadlocks bother you so badly, there are two steps to help you get over you issue with them... 1) don't get dreadlocks. 2) if you see someone with dreadlocks, turn your head :) that's why God put it on a swivel. Have a nice day!
There is no excuse for dreadlocks, in particular on a Caucasian person. Period.
white people have just as much reason to wear dreadlocks as anyone else. you don't see white folks sitting around creating blogs about all those black people buying straight hair for extensions saying *that's our style you can't have it* i'm white, i have dreadlocks, and i work at a beauty supply store, and you know what? i sell more fake silky straight hair to black people than anything else, except maybe wigs. your bullshit logic is so hypocritical, but i'll admit that hearing the fact that it pisses so many people off that white people have dreads, i might open my own caucasian locking salon to help spread the love
lol..I am actually using the photo you posted of the cute girl in dreads- to take to a salon in a couple weeks to GET a dreadperm.
SO thanks a bunch- your angry- 'I am a Suburban kid- that moved to a big city-and now i think i know everything' rant is so OLD! What are you deep? I bet you actually wrote this for your blog while sitting at a starbucks-with your lap top- trying to pull deep thought out of your ass.
SO- Congrats about "knowing" everything--.. We are all so impressed by your lack of a big penis.
I think his girl/boyfriend cheated on him with a dreadhead!
whoever made this blog has been rightfully owned by the many debunking comments that have ensued.
you're being a loser dood... especially arguing with that one person at the top. stop trying to out-cool people and appreciate people for who they are. if you don't appreciate someone's image, judge em for their character.
i like to compliment someone's image as much as the next person, but if i'm just not feeling it, i find something about who they are to enjoy.
I hope one day you realize how much of your life you waste judging people.
I'm weird, you're weird, we're all weird. And if you don't want anyone to judge you, then don't judge them.
It's hair dude. You just waisted waaayy too much time bitching about someone. elses. hair... just relax, breathe, and let the anger go .
1st off locks is not a black thing!!! show an african tribe that rocks locks,,,there are none! 2. know what rastas were called by other jamaicans JATAVI! know why? because they stole the whole thing from HINDUS! including GANJA wich is hindu term for weed!! if a black man grows his hair it becomes a giant puff!! LOOK UP SADHUS the original lock wearin peoples ...also western europeans also wore locks it was a peasant thing!! do research b4 u insult anothers culture by proclaiming rastas as originating locks! they didnt !! i have facts on my side ! u? NOT AT ALL!!!
My daughter is a white girl with very very tight blonde curls...I WANT her to have dreads because I think it would be MUCH easier to maintain, but this blog has me scared that some crazy rasta will beat her up for it! Way to rep! What is WRONG with you?
theres to much hate in this world, EVERYONE should be free and do what makes them happy! you just sound like a very angry guy with too much time on his hands to make a hater website. everyones diffrent and you should learn from and appreciate these differences...thats what makes the world an exciting place to live in. if we all were the same how boring would that be?!! i love meeting people and hearing their views, religious, cultural whatever and how they see life its amazing. you should try it. your learn something.
Don't worry about this sister fucking prick ya'll. It's people like him that contribute to an economy stiving to make everyone look the same and force us to live like robot ants. Keep your diversity and laugh at people like this, sees just sad that Daddy took a good run at him; now he hates the world. I'm forming dreds and I like dreads because they are all natural and gives good vibes to other people. Live freee :)
Haha this blog made me laugh really hard.
Its not only obviously racist but also it suggests rastafarians were the first ones to wear dreadlocks, which is simply not true xD
there are hundreds of other cultures, and most of them are significantly older than the rastafari culture.
Dont get me wrong, i respect every single person on this planet but you are just a hater kid.
One Love
UHH... firstly shut the eff up man!
dreadlocks represent a care free attitude and shows that you dont revolve around materialistic things.
who ever made this pathetic site obviously knows absoulutely NOTHING about bieng a free spirit. you are probably just a sad little person with a sad low life.
I genuinly respect you but i do not give a shit about our opinion on dreadlocks. you obviously don't have dreadlocks so you obviously dont understand the meaning of them wich makes this site completely piontless.
bless and peace.
I'm gonna get dreadlocks.
It's only hair people!! Cant we focus our energy on a more deserving topic?
People who have dreadlocks arent losers, but people who waste time and energy making up a whole page about how much you supposedly despise dread heads yet cant stop discussing them are. Get a fuckin life dude. I mean you must be premature balding and your just jealous of some person you know's awesome dreads or something. Im a white female, I'm not rastafarian, and guess what, I have beautiful dreads! And the reason I have them is because they feel right for me and stupid asshole opinions cant change that cuz i can think for myself. I have dreads because I DONT fit into any counterculture, trend, or any kind of stupid place in society and im perfectly fine with that because FUCK THE WORLD! I'm not gunna brush my hair because of societys dumbass standards of whats normal. Dreadlocks are just hair in its most natural state anyways. Who is anyone to say who should and shouldnt have dreadlocks, cuz wed all have them anyways if it werent for the hair brush being invented.
i think that girl with the dreads is adorable. im a girl and im getting dreads soon and here's the reason: i like them.
plain and simple.
Ostensibly, you either have not yet noticed that you are preaching or--which is highly likely--you are hunched over your prized laptop, your pathetic little calloused fingers furiously typing out your inner fury and your GLARING lack of self-awareness, luxuriating in the fact that you are indeed preaching...or is it that you are merely so DULLED by your own existence, so utterly bored with yourself that you decided, quite randomly, to "rant-n-roll" about (and I quote you here verbatim) "pseudo-artistes who sport dreadlocks just fucking annoying."
Hmmm. First, GET AN EDITOR, or at the least proofread your "ranting." Where's your verb, dear "Rant-N-Roller"? Actually, I've no need to continue here. You are obviously an ignorant FUCK who cannot even employ the correct usage of the English language, let alone speak of others' choices regarding their HAIR.
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